Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toulouse Lautrec visit

As President of the Boston Chapter of the Graphic Artists Guild, I get to create some of the titles for our events and social gatherings. For this Trip to the MFA (Museum of Fine Arts) image, I literally had about 30 minutes before I needed to send out an email announcing the event.

I started with a block similar in color to the MFA Boston's logo:

Added some text:

Next, I wanted to get some background going. I love texture, as long as it doesn't take away from the message. The most appropriate thing to use would be a Toulouse Lautrec image but, last time I checked my art vault, I don't own any and I didn't want to steal anybody else's photo of one of T.L.'s paintings.

Toulouse Lautrec created so much of his work in MontMartre (an area of Paris). Fortunately, I visited France in 2002 and a quick peak through my photos later, I had two iconic images: Moulin Rouge and Sacre Coeur:

Play with the opacity of the photos a bit, put it all together and you get:
And the email went out right on time!

More about the Graphic Artists Guild
More about the Toulouse Lautrec exhibit at the MFA Boston

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